Lunare Wrasse


So I bought a lunare wrasse because it looked really cool and a book said it was reef safe and easy to care for. Now that im doing research it says it will destroy my cleanup crew and bully everything in the tank. Is this not entirely true? Does anyone have any experience good or bad with this fish?
Completely NON reef safe as far as motile inverts. I guess with coral its not bad but it will take your crabs,shrimp sometimes even snails if it decides to and smash them off a rock to break them into itty bitty pieces and than eat them. They also get rather large(a solid 6 to a potential 10+inches). Most of the wrasses in that genus (thallassoma) are similar. Beautiful but best off in a FOWLR or a very large reef with no small inverts and no small,shy fish.
I did the same thing! i put it in my 180gal mixed reef and i have about 250lbs of live rock in there. That thing killed all my crabs and takes out snails when it wants to and if it get real hungry it will smoke any small fish. It leaves the corals alone though. I've tried to get him out of the tank but it's too fast and to smart. So now i just buy new snails every few months and call it a day and the only crabs that will last are large blue legged hermits
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I really regret buying it now, I have mostly huge turbo snails though. I dont like crabs anyways but my cleaner shrimp will be dead in sure. If it kills my $50 clown I will be very mad. But I'll keep an eye on it to see what it does