Marshal Rock order from Premium Aquatics


Mr. Junior Member
Not sure if this is allowed based on the sticky post regarding group buys, but I see other people listing their orders to save on shipping. Mods feel free to move or remove this thread if it is not appropriate.

I am planning on placing an order for Marshall Islands Cured live rock from Premium Aquatics this week. I only want about 25-30 lbs but Southwest Airlines charges a minimum of 100lbs for about 45$. So if anyone wants Marshall rock we can pool our orders and get CHEAP shipping.

I know alot of people are selling live rock for much cheaper locally, but I have friends that live in the Republic of the Marshall Islands and I used to work there so it has some sentimental connections.

Some pics of the PA MI rock was listed on RC at
Thread @ RC

Pics Direct
i use to live close to premium aquatics, and they have very nice sizes of rock. i got about 30lbs of kaelini, it was very nice rock. lots of purple and orange coraline on it. i actually went up and picked out the pieces. very cool people that work there too.