Meeting Pickup / Deliveries / Carpool


CIA Agent / Constable
As usual I will be going to the meeting. If anyone needs something picked up dropped off or a ride let me know.

I have 2 seats for sure with a possible 1 more.

Let me know, PM or Post.


I am going to be donating some broken AccliMates for the DIY session so people can practice making repairs...then keep their fixed up AccliMate. Is there anyone near Burlington, MA who can take them to the meeting for me? I'm not going to be able to get there this time.

I am going to be donating some broken AccliMates for the DIY session so people can practice making repairs...then keep their fixed up AccliMate. Is there anyone near Burlington, MA who can take them to the meeting for me? I'm not going to be able to get there this time.


PM sent.