missing orange spotted goby


added an orange spotted goby Monday. After the acclimation period the fish just headed for the rocks and haven't seen it since. with the exception of a flame angel that can be belligerent at times the tank is community. :confused:
Is your tank covered with anything? These fish are known to become jumpers and I mean it by personal experience. Mine jumped out of a 3" x 3" open space from my tank. I saw him next morning laying on the floor in the back of the tank. Since then, I've tried to cover every inch of my tank since I have many jumpers in my tank.

Also, they tend to be shy and hide. Again, the one that I had went missing for about a week hiding in the rocks until I saw him again and then he jumped.
If it hasn't jumped I personally wouldn't be too worried about it... It's only 3-4 days... One thing you could do in the future is set up a QT tank so you can easier see the fish... A 10 gallon with a cheap HOB filter, heater and cheapo cover and glass with a few PVC or rocks works. The fish will be less stressed because noone would bother him/her and lets them build up their strength after the stressfull removal from the LFS and transportation to your tank...

Proper QT'ing is roughly 6 weeks so you can safely say that the fish is disease free and won't infect the other fish in the DT...
My yellow watchman went missing for a few days after he was added to the DT. He was out for the first hour and a half until the pistol had dug out a tunnel big enough for the both of them. he went in hiding for a few days. came back out about 4 days later. Then my ammonia spike hit and he passed. I would search around the tank. if you cant find him around the tank get some egg crate over it at night and you should be okay hes probably just getting used to the tank. the angel shouldnt be able to harm him. because he would just run in his tunnel and hide
thanks for the feedback. still haven't seen him and it's a week tomorrow and found nothing on the floor around tank. I was told by the LFS they had the fish three weeks prior and he looked healthy so I just went with the acclimation...hindsight should have qt'd. I am hoping he is just hiding but a week without coming out doesn't look too promising.
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