miyagi tort turning white please help


My miyagi tort I just picked up wednesday is starting to turn white. Not sure what the issue is any options on saving it? I will reply with water quality in a little.
Turning white usually means bleaching. Unless its actually losing skin and exposing skeleton. So if it's bleaching it may just be too close too high up in the tank. Browning is usually lack of light or nutrient/water quality issues. Is the whole thing turning white? Double check to make sure it's not losing skin.
Flow is just as important, needs to be strong but if it's in a direct path of a powerhead you could start losing skin
Oh. It is in direct path of a power head.
Nitrates are 5 nitrite 0 ammonia 0 cal 420 mag1560 dkh 10 and it's loosing skin.
Try to relocate somewhere that has good flow but is not getting directly hit by the powerhead and either frag it from where it is not losing skin or superglue the I entire area where skin meets skeleton. Unfortunately other than that there isn't much you can do but its important not to mess with it too much as it will just cause more stress so frag/glue it and find a suitable spot, leave it be and see what happens
Your Params seem really good so unless they are fluctuating and you just can't tell or you have high phosphate levels I'm guessing that's not the issue
sometimes that just happens no explaination . the question is how far off from your tank to the tank you got it from are the params . the sudden shock could do it . Im guessing too much flow but .....
How old since you setup this tank?

I dont think the coral bleach that fast because of too much light
Corals turns white when....
1. New tank not ready for coral.
2. Alk level in the tank is too much different than where the coral used to live
4. Coral placement at the direct hit from the powerhead
5. Strong light .
6. Corals turn brown when high phosphate or high nitrate or Weak light
99. Let me think
All of this is true but again there's not much you can do. If it is from shock since its already losing skin I would personally just frag what you can and put it in a spot away from direct flow of the powerhead. I like that numbers 7 thru 98 are missing but we all know there are def that many reasons for something going wrong with sps
I think it's from having a power head pointed directly at it. I have hydra26s for lights. Phosphates I didn't check but I don't think those are an issue at this time. My other acros and corals are doing fine. My tank has been set up for over a year.
Good luck buddy, I hope you save it! I was gonna say I've had acros thrive in my tank after barely more than a month, but I used some LR, sand, and chaeto from my well established smaller tank
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