My clown has black spots


I just noticed my female clown has lots of black spots on her body. What could this be?
Does it look like sprinkled pepper? Do a search for black spot disease, ,or black ich I also believe it was Kevin that experienced this.
If they are larger spots and blotches, no problem, they come and go on clowns all the time.

Does it look like sprinkled pepper? Do a search for black spot disease, ,or black ich I also believe it was Kevin that experienced this.

Yes, they look like sprinkled pepper. But only one of the clown has it.
Is it living in a tank with a lot of zoanthids? If it is just a pigment change and not something hanging on the clown it is probably a harmles reaction to corals. Some stings, particularly zoas give clowns temporary freckles. They will go away if the coral is removed or if the clown stops touching it.
I have colonies of zoas but I never seen it touch any of them. However it doesn't look like anything hanging on to it. So could this also be cause from old age?
PVH, saw the photo you referenced. Clowns get these, never seems to cause them any problems.
I didn't think of it as spots. My clown has black marks from hosting a colony of paly's.
Thanks guys. I feel a lot better now. :) I'd hate to have to find another wife for my male clown.