My daughter is my hero tonight


Nothing good happens fast
After the meeting on the way home my daughter alivia and I were attacked by a man with a chain in Weymouth he was in a silver f150 he asked me to pull over which I did at that point he started swinging a very thick chain at me asking if I wanted to be f****d up I got out over powered him Nd was yelling alivia to call 911 without pause my 8 y.o called gave a very accurate description f what was happening And police responded I think my daughter can now be called a hero even though had him subdued it could have ended differently ont think a hero needs a cape lol they need is to be taught what to do in the right situation

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Ben, that is crazy man. Glad you guys are ok . Good parenting = amazing kids. Awesome work Olivia! They catch the scumbag?

So much for the Weymouth comment earlier today
Wow. That’s the craziest thing I’ve heard in a long time. Way to go Olivia and dad! It’s very important to teach kids not to panic in dangerous stressful situations. Sounds like you guys aced it. So glad you’re both ok!
If I was in your situation my wife would've killed me if the guy with the chain didn't! If I so much as honk the horn at someone my wife tells me it's not worth it, "this is how people get killed!" are often the words she uses. lol And though I won't admit to her, she is probably right and I could've imagined myself doing the same in your situation but not ending well for me as I'm a small dude. Did he have the chain before you stepped out of your car? That takes some big ba!!s if so! :D
Did they catch the guy?

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