my tank progress



So i have started setting up my system and can not wait to add water. I plan on doing a sps tank with a few kind of rare or just really pretty fish lol. the tank is a 34g shallow tank with a 25g cube for a sump. Return pump is a mag 7, skimmer is a vertex i dont know all the info on it just read reviews and really think it will be good for my system. Im in the process off getting my hands on a jebao. Let me know what think so far. I will be updating as i go.


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it is 24.5"x24.5"x14" sorry it took so long after all the setting up i felt really sick and fell asleep
Yup and kind of in the shape of a horse shoe. I will be posting a pic once filled and has rocks/sand in.
finally clear

heres a couple pics of rock work


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Is it a bad thing that some of the cyano from my other tank is now in this one. I used all ro/di water. I just took some rock from the other tank and put it in here to help with cycle. I used ls, lr, and biospira
Even though the tank is now a little over a day old. Ive never seen cyano stay alive i such a new tank
a little update. so the vertex skimmer i had gotten had a swollen impeller. so i went out and got a etss reef devil with a quite 1 feeder pump. this thing is a beast im loving it already. my tank has already cycled it skipped right over ammonia and i had high nitrites, 3 days later no nitrites and 40ppm nitrates. so i decided to transfer some of my live stock that i did have. so far in the tank is a yellow watch with pistol shrimp and a potters angel. i also got my jebao wp25 in today put it in the tank plugged it in and was playing with where i wanted to place the controller. did not notice that i had a sand storm going on in the tank until my wife said why is the sand blowing everywhere lol. i was like dang it i didnt think it was that strong(guess i was wrong lol). but anyways here some pics of the equipment. cant seem to get any of the fish but will when they let me.


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pics of a few coral

i have a few that i dont know what they are. if you guys can help that would be great

unknown green acro

unknown purple acro

unknown blue polyp yellow/gold body monti

here the corals i do know

pink birdsnest

flower pedal monti

green slimmer
Did you put corals in the tank already?
Great progress and thanks for the updates

yea i did lol they are very happy even though there is red slime in the tank. they even grew a little sense these pics.
Know you started a Thread or 2 on the slime/cyano, found this on RC today, maybe it will help:

Cyano is not the end of the world. Keep calm and turn your lights off...


...3 days a month, followed by one day of blues-only so as not to shock your inhabitants, or burn your corals.

Have your skimmer operating at peak efficiency. This will uptake whatever the dieoff releases.

Cyano is not an algae: it's bacteria that produces oxygen. It doesn't really hurt much, except by blocking light.

Most new tanks get it right after they get rid of hair algae. Most tanks get it once a year as the sun migrates into a position where a ray of light hits the tank for a few minutes a day---or when the lights have burned down to a spectrum cyano loves.

Where do you get it? Well, cyanobacteria is the foundation of our oxygen atmosphere---it restored it when the Permian Extinction wiped out most life on the planet [look it up] and it exists in about every body of water. It's the foundation of photosynthesizing elements in green growing plants, like that innocent little violet on your side table. And it's so available everywhere, never ask where you got it or worry about it.

They'll tell you suck it off with turkey basters (works) and increase your flow (well, yes, that's helpful, but it'll develop in an incredibly hard flow) It needs 3 things to live: light, water, and carbon---which is the basis of life on this planet and is abundant in all tanks. Guess which one we can deprive it of safely.

Light. Don't shroud your tank (you can have fish sleep so hard they get eaten by snails) but just turn off your lights. Draw the drapes if any are open. That's all. The fourth day, run only your blue or moonlights. Then back to normal. Do this once a month, running your skimmer at max efficiency.

May take a few months.

But of all plagues, this is the most benign. Those bubbles are pure oxygen. Did you know some varieties of this half plant/half animal stuff actually crawl? As I say, look it up---very interesting, very ancient stuff.

And not worth a panic.
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Thanks man that helps. I have been having my lights off. Today is my 3rd day with them off. Alot of it has gone away but there is still some there.

I took those pics a while ago. Just never posted them
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