overflow box


not sure if this is the right forum but is there some place that i can buy a overflow box or are they easy to make? i need something to help with my surface cleaning
You can either buy one or make one. I have made several and find them very easy to make. If you are interested in talking about it PM me.
you can buy one for about 50-100 dollars depending on what your looking for
anything over 600 to 700 gal of flow you will need more than one or one that has two drain
they run a little more.

i would skip the cpr overflow too much of a chance they will loose siphon
go with the standard u-tubbe overflow JMO

many online dealer have these but you might try a few of our sponsers
this is for my drilled 65g. not for a overflow with a utube. so they would just a box sealed up in my corners to hide my drain pipes and help with surface cleaning.
my mistake sorry DIY would probably be the easiest solution get exactly what you want
Tina, if your drains are drilled through the back you can definitely make this yourself. Just draw out how three pieces of glass will fit in the corner to surround your drain, and then go to a glass shop and have them cut the panes for you out of 1/4". Buy a tube of GE clear Silicone I caulk, and assemble the pieces in your tank. Make sure when you design it that there's plenty of room for any plumbing that will be inside the box, and that there will be enough extra room to replace plumbing or clean around it if necessary.

If your drains go down through the bottom of the tank, you can still make it, but you have to use thicker glass and be more certain of your construction because the box will have to hold much more water pressure during the few moments when the tank is full and the overflow is empty, like when filling the tank. Or if the drain were to leak, emptying the overflow, your box would have to hold tight, or the entire tank would drain.

Your other option for drains that go through the bottom is to buy a ready-made acrylic overflow. You can get them online for about $75, I think. Those would also be opaque black (or blue), have strainer teeth at the top, and generally look a little more professional. I'll see if I can find that site for you.

thanks nate its for a tank that drilled in the back. if i was to make them myself how would i get teeth at the top?
You could put eggcrate along the inside of the box, and slighter taller than the box (that's the white plastic grid that's used in commercial fluorescent fixtures - you can get it at HD, or I've got some extra).

Or you could attach a piece of acrylic to the glass with teeth cut in it with a router table.

You can cut the eggcrate with heavy scissors or wire cutters. Or that reefdom comb would work. You'd need to cut it to length, but you can probably do that by hand with a hacksaw or wood saw.
I have the ability to make anything you need as far as overflows go. I can also make them in black plexi if you can get it. Including teeth at the top of front and sides if you want.