Pink Birds Nest (lighting and flow)


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Those of you who have successfull colonies of PBN what kind of lighting and flow do you keep it in?
I have one under 2 MH 250's, and can't get it to do anything. Have tried to put it in all different places with no luck.
mine has been growing like a weed.I have it in my 120g 24x24x48 close to the bottom.I have 2 tunze 6000 and a quiet one 3000 return pump for flow.light I have 2 250 hqi's 2 110 vho's about 4 inches over the top of the tank.saltaddict can't believe how fast it grows he should see it now.
Mine is under 100 watt power compacts in a 20gallon, about 8 in. from the light with moderate to low flow, and it seems to be doing fine:D

EDIT:its acutally only a small frag not a colony
Mine has been growing at a moderate rate (compared to other SPS's), it's about a foot from the water surface under a 175 MH. Teh halide bulb is abotu 6" from the water.
I have mine under 3 overdriven t5's about 8-12 " under the water with a good amount of flow and they are thickening up and have 5-10 new branches ready to grow from each existing branch. Find a good place and leave them alone. At least that worked for me. Once I stopped moving them they started to grow like weeds. good luck
should need neither masses of light or high flow.The growth will be more delicate in lower flow
This really depends upon the species. I have a thinner branched S. hysterix colony that thrives under all lighting and flow. Its skeleton is fragile and easy broken. I also have a very dense thick branched hot pink/purple specimin that Just sits there unless you hammer it with flow and intense lighting. It’s skeleton is extemely dense and strong.. Peoples experiences seems to vary greatly I believe due to two different species being involved – the histerix with the thin delecate brittle skeleton and fast growth under many different conditions and the other species (whose name escapes me, maybe pistala???) that is thick branched, slower growth and dense skeleton that requires intense light and tons of flow. I know when Calfo saw my thick/dense branched colony, a couple of years back, he said it would grow best right under the dump bucket of a mechanical surge device.

Hope this helps
