Pretty peaceful wrasse


I recently had to remove a bicolor angel for being a bully. He was picking on my dwarf lionfish and angler. I'm looking for a wrasse that will not have the same behavior.

I like fairy wrasse, but I never realized that there are so many variants. Some say peaceful, some say semi-agressive.

I really like the Labout's Fairy Wrasse

What's a pretty wrasse that will get about 5 inches or more (like I said, I have a lionfish) and won't pick.

I have a puffer, tomini tang, foxface, lion, angler, Harelquin tusk, and a dwarf eel. The angel was the only one who picked on anyone.

I also have a slight fear that the tusk will kill it. I had a big tusk previously that killed all wrasses (six line and melanarus) that I put in the tank. This one is still a small juvenile so I'm not too concerned and I have an acclimation box now.