question about LMB


no special title
Last night I transfered my lawn mower blenny from his quarantine to the main tank and he's been acting very strangly. I acclimated him for a good 30minutes.

I kept the lights off after he went in and he hid for about a half hour. Once he came out he started swimming very erraticaly, bumping into just about everything even flipping upside down and curling up. It was scary because he was frenzied. If a fish could have a seizure, this would be it.

Tonight, he's not acting so crazy, but he's definately not right. He doesn't seem to be able to swim, just sort of crawl along the bottom. His behavior in the QT was very normal and typical of blennies.

Any ideas of what this could be? I did a search and came up with nothing.

do you have a ground for your tank? sounds like it might be stray voltage. A long shot if the rest of your tank is OK, just a possibility
Any chance he was stung by anything?

Also, check the stray voltage. We didn't think we had any, but we did.