Question about pods?


I just moved some rock from my sump into my new tank. The tank has been up and running since Sunday night and all the parameters look good. When I moved the rock, it was so full of pods, that they literally swarmed over my hand. A bunch ran back in the rock but about 5 fell off my hand and into the water. The ones that stayed in the rock seem fine (I see them going from hole to hole), but the ones that were out on my hand for a bit started twitching in the water and are now dead. Was it from being exposed to air for too long? Or could it be from a jump in salinity (about .001 difference in the two tanks)? Or should I be looking at something else?
How long were they out of the water? They are usually pretty resilient little guys. Was there something on your hands? Antibacterial soap or something like that? :confused:

They were out of the water for maybe 5 seconds. I did rinse my hands before moving the rock, but maybe there was still some soap on them. Weird though, huh?
They are affected by PH swings...was there a diff betwixt the differing tanks? They are pretty resiliant to SG, temp, etc...but I've found that PH swings nuke em.

I've seen them fall on the surface of the water and get 'stuck', almost as if they couldn't break the surface tension.
PH seemed the same in both tanks (just above 8.0) . I checked the tank this morning and there were pods going in and out of the rocks. I assume/hope it was something on my hand.
Jeremy's got something there too.. I've seen them become bouyant after being removed from the water. They tend to scoot around on the surface for a while. I just "poke 'em" down again.

Also, I've found that when I move LR, there are lots of pod exoskeletons that become dislodged. They do molt from time to time.
