Question about SCA overflows>


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Question to anyone who has a SCA tank or knows them better than I do.

In the pictures online, I can see that their overflows have slits on the top edge, and a set of slits lower down on the front of the overflow box. See the picture here, (click on the picture if what I'm asking about is not obvious);

Is this like some other brands where there is a double wall in the overflow, so that the lower slots can take in water which then has to go up and over an inner wall? Or does it actually drain directly 3/4 of the way down (which would be an incredibly stupid design IMO).

To put it another way, if you had no stand pipe(s) in the overflow, would it drain most of the tank if the return were shut off?

Aquaon overflow has similar design, the bottom slots are on the removable overflow cover, there is a solid wall behind the cover. When return pump is off, water only drains down to bottom of the top slots.

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On the SCA overflow, the bottom slots wont drain the tank.

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Thanks Dong,
I figured that was the case, but better ask than assume :)