Question for NSW users.


Have you guys ever collected inverts/critters from the collection site? Curious to see if anyones uses periwinkles or muscles in a fuge or something. I would imagine that the small crabs and hermits aren't reef safe. Thanks.
For the most part, anything you find locally would stress in the warmer waters of your tank. You could start a cold water tank with local species. I did this as a kid, growing up on the shores of swifts beach in Wareham.
I have put shrimp that I catch along with the NSW in my tank they are usually about 1 inch long, but I never see them after I put them in, they may be making good food for something. I have also collected hermit crabs they last a couple months or so.


I've put those ghost shrimp in too. For the exact purpose of food. I've used them in my fish mush as well. You can get netfulls with a flashlight at nite right in Eel Pond. I also harvest that macro that everyone calls "lettuce" or "tang something" or other. My tang does like it.

But I'd still venture to guess, that whatever you put in from the N. Atlantic, it'd not make it in the long run. I remember seeing some red snails for sale that were from cold water. I think Calfo's book has a picture of them too. They don't last long in warmer systems.

Cold water systems can be cool though. Especially if you live close to the ocean and have an endless supply of water!
I have a hermit I collected last spring in one of my tanks still kicking

Someone told me that the atlantic hermit crabs (the dull brown ones) will eat polyps. Have you seen anything like that?
