Rare exclusive limited edition


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BRS Member
Introducing my rare exclusive limited edition green birdsnest crab
Just kidding of course. Saw this and thought it was funny. It sits there and waits for its piece of algae sheet I feed the tank and figured I would share.

Picked this piece up at uw world the other day, bright green n purple favia. Photo doesn't do the colors justice
The rare exclusive limited edition green birdsnest crab is cute, it will make a very nice dinner for my rare exclusive limited edition gigantic Korean angel.
Lol. This is why I hate putting emerald crabs in my tank. Instead of attacking the bubble algae in the tank, they just sit on my sps. Makes me nervous so I usually end up stabbing them in the back and pull it out. I know it's cruel but I can't risk my sps.
This one is pretty good though, I only ever see it when im feeding the tank, maybe like once a week. It is out of site the rest of the time.
It knows I will give him a strip of nori or algae if he sits up high somewhere that I can see it.
Nice addition Shane! I have to make my way into Underwater World soon, it's been a while since I've been in there.