RBTA Clashes with the TUNZE??


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BRS Member
We just moved all of our livestock into the new tank... needless the say the rose is on the move and seems to like to perch up alongside the twin streams I have...

Anyway, this morning my mother reports there are small bits of red throughout the tank... also she has found what appears to be a quarter sized rose in the sump with mini tentacles and a foot.. although it was not attached to anything....

The mother BTA looks healthy... Youd think she would learn that she gets injured every once in a while hanging around that area...

My question is... what to do? is the mini bta going to survive or is it a chunk that will eventually rot? should we be taking preventative action to prevent the rose from being sucked into the stream? ie brides vail on the intake??

Any and all input is welcomed and appreciated!!

Jason and Laura
I would keep a good eye on the little one it may or may not survive,but it's worth a shot.
bta's can get sucked in very small holes, i don't no if brides vail will work.I would either put a sponge on the intake or move the stream.If you move the bta he might be back in the same spot in a day..
I would use the plastic craft mesh. It comes in a few colors including black and doesn't get really dirty. I don't know if the little one will make it. If you see white stringy stuff coming out it is a pretty bad sign, but it is hard to know untill it starts falling appart. I would run carbon if you can to give it the best chance and protect other stuff. I just lost one who parked next to a heater overnight and got baked when it came on :(
I lost an entire RBTA (my last one) to my Tunze. The bugger moved ALL the way across the tank & up to get to it :mad:

I still have my 2 from the group buy :)
Guys, anemones should not be moving all that much. I wonder what was going on in your tanks that prompted them to move? They typically only move if there's no clown in it, or if there's insufficient light? Are any of those issues relevant?
The RBTAs that are common now take a long time to get used to MH lighting and actually do better under lower light with frequent meaty feedings. We have one that moved around a lot untill we paired it with a clown. Now it is staying put and I havn't seen it deflate since. I can't explain that as most people will tell you that the clown can be hard on an anemone and stress it out.