Gone Real wood stand 36 x 18


Hey fellow reefers,

Have not been on here for a long time. Sadly my tank bust a leak last night.
I'm offering up the stand she sat on all black nice real wood 36"x 18" no water damage caught it in time (at 2 in the morning)
Pickup ONLY in allston, MA girlfriends a little nervous with the covid so with confirmed pick up I will leave outside.
I love all you guys and miss the community strongly.

Never fear my livestock what's left of it (
I have let the tank go over the years) is in a temp tank.

I will be back soon though dont worry dont tell the girlfriend but I just bought a 20 gallon water box should be here next week.

PM me and I'll get you the pickup details
Pending pickup next weekend.

Figured I would also ad a 20 gallon tank I was using for a sump 3 baffles (need to be redone) tank is sound tho

And also 36x18 canopy i will disclose it's not the prettiest this was originally a 48x18 that sat on my 75 gallon that I cut down to fit the 36x18 foot print.
Stands gone. 20g long and 36" canopy** out front in trash til 2mo morning 4/25 pm for add