Recommendations on Anthia Species

Matt L.

I had a harem (one male, four females) of Lyretail Anthias (Pseudanthias squamipinnis) that lived in three systems over a period of 5 years. They were all purchased at the same time in August 2007.

A month or so ago, the male Anthia showed signs of weakening, and ultimately perished. The four others followed in short order. I attributed this to simple old age, since nothing in the system had changed in years, none of the other fish showed signs of illness, and all the Anthias were acquired at the same time.

Anyhow, I was wondering what other peoples' experiences with Anthia species are? I could buy more Lyretail Anthias. But has anyone kept Bartlett's Anthias? Does anyone have any other recommendations? Have you kept them for more than 5 years?

I have a single male bartlet. Had him close to two years. He is a fat pig and eats almost anything.
Fwiw, my experience with the Pseudanthias squamipinis Anthias is very similar. I had a group of maybe 7 but am down to one somewhat sickly looking one after about 5-6 years. They just don't have super long life spans.
Go resplendent. They dont nip, or go bad, just look good and hide in the rocks when scared. Get one male and three females for schooling
I have a male and 3 female randall's and i love them. Just watch, they jump!
I have 5 Dispar Anthias, 1 male and 4 female. Had them for almost 2 years as love them. Some strange behavior though is the male has banished one of the females and makes her stay hidden in the rock work..she comes out to eat but only for a minute or so and then she is chased back into rock. No idea why. This has been going on for about 5 months now.
any ideas how a male anthia thinks?? She must have pissed him off somehow...typical woman! Just kidding!!!!!