Reefing on a budget diy ato


Hey guys. My 90 gallon set up looses a lot of water a day due to evaporation. I don't have an do system at home because I'm not sure if I can even hook one up in my apartment. But I do want to build an auto top off unit. Hopefully cheap. I'd like to see if any one else has a diy ato maybe pics? So I can get some ideas? I have rodi in buckets I get weekly. Any ideas would be great thanks everyone.
Too bad you weren't at the last meeting... DIY round-table... JdMitch showed how to make your own ATO.

If you PM him I'm sure he'd send you the PDF/documentation he put together.
Why not just look for a used one? If you like to make one, stop by and I'll show you how to make one if you don't have the parts or tools.

Our reef tank runs on money, a well reliable ATO with redundancy worth every penny in the long run.
IME the cheapest and simplest ATO is a simple mechanical float valve connected to a bucket sitting on a milk crate. Total cost @ $20. The only catch is you need to find someone (me) with the right sized diamond bit to drill the hole if you have a glass sump.
Hello, JDMITCH has all the schematics and stock sheet needed to build one with step by step instructions.

There will also be one I believe on the raffle table at the next meeting that was built at the Round Robin event last month.
I got my hydor smart level for 44$ on amazon. Pretty good price and so far it's been spot on! Even shuts it self off if it adds to much water so your salinity doesn't drop down to much.
I don't have an do system at home because I'm not sure if I can even hook one up in my apartment.

Hi There! I was having this issue.

What I was installed this on our sink (sink to garden hose adapter):


And then this on the input line of your RO unit. (Garden hose to john guest fitting) Now you can take out the RO/DI unit when you need to make water, and disconnect and store it when not in use.

That Rodi idea is cool. I know reef tanks run off money trust me I just bought a new return pump and asm protein skimmer and a new tank and stand canopy sump etc... now I can't spend a ton on an ATo and I think it would be cool if I could build one. I'm an electrician so messing with electronics and circuits is what I like to do.
That Rodi idea is cool. I know reef tanks run off money trust me I just bought a new return pump and asm protein skimmer and a new tank and stand canopy sump etc... now I can't spend a ton on an ATo and I think it would be cool if I could build one. I'm an electrician so messing with electronics and circuits is what I like to do.

If you're an electrician, JDMITCH's instructions will be a no brainer and you probably already have most of the parts. Makes a nice, straight forward unit.
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