return pump advice

36" x 18" x 16"

back after the ice storm
just getting a new tank going and need to buy a return pump from a 20g high sump up about 3 1/2 feet to a 60g RR 24 x 24 cube.

open to hearing what pumps have worked well for you. price and reliability are 2 priorities.

How much flow are you looking to run with this pump?

Will all the flow be via the return pump, or will there be in tank power heads/tunzes/vortecs...?
id like to have a decent amount of flow..and one magnet power head in the opposite side bottom corner of the return flow. (still need to pick a head/blower too)
Hey tony, I had the eheim 1262 running that w/ 2- tee's going to the 2- brs reactors, one for carbon and the other gfo. I had to throttle it down a little but its a great pump and super quiet. If you buy a 3/4 lineloc y you can split the return. That how I had it set up.
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If your talking price ocean runner makes a solid pump and very cheap, best bang for your dollar.

Top quality, eheim or tunze but they will cost you..
Tunze 1260

Isn't the 1260 an eheim pump?

I'd suggest an Eheim 1260, BTW.

Oceanrunner would be second.

A mag pump would be down somewhere below 'using a dixie cup, scooping one cupful at a time, and then pouring it into your display' :cool:
sorry, no slack, jack :D

seriously, I didn't know if there was a tunze 1260 pump....I can't keep track without a score card :eek:
open to hearing what pumps have worked well for you. price and reliability are 2 priorities.


I have had good success with the BlueLine series. Prices are good, runs quiet with good head coverage relative to size. It does prime slowly, but overall it has been a workhorse without issue for last 15 months.
Another important question is weather you can run external, or if your limited to submersible.

Externals tend to cost a bit more, but are usually a lot more relaible. (though the eheim submerged pumps are very solid pumps).

Also, do you have any idea of a flow rate your shooting for? It's really hard to reccomend a pump without konwing how much you want it to flow?
I know Mag pumps have a bad reputation for being not very efficient and running hot but *knock on wood* my Mag 5 has been running for over a year now and I only cleaned it once.

That being said I just bought an Eheim Compact+ 5000. It has an adjustable flow control knob that adjusts flow from 660-11xx gph. If I ever finish this schoolwork I plan on setting it up today.