return pump suggestions


I'm trying to decide on a return pump. So far the options are a mag 9.5, sen 900, or quite one 4000 high head. Any suggestions or opinions?

Gonna need more info about your setup for you to recieve good feedback. Tank size location of sump, refugium, how many overflows ect...
is it just the mags with the large style that are loud? seems like the sha[pe changes at the 9.5 or the 5 is totally silent..
I have a QO 3000 that I used for a return on my 72 before putting the sump in the basement. The pump was indeed quiet, and ran like a champ. I now have it powering my skimmer.
I love my genX mak4. It's super energy efficient and reliable, but probably too loud unless it's going in a fishroom. Only 100 watts for 1400 gph with high head! :)
What are your options and limitations? (space, will you be able to set up an external pump or do you need a submerged, noise, heat???)

IMO if at all possible use a quality external pump. It will cost a bit more but be far more reliable. Mag pumps are great for their versitility but long term they can be problematic, IME after a year or so you can't count on any of the larger ones to restart consistently after a power outage or being shut off for maintence.

I would suggest looking at Iwaki, Panworld, blueline, QO, exct. They can make a bit of noise but will work for years with only occasional cleanings.
I don't have a way to plumb in an external pump on this sump. I'm thinking the quiet one pumps look the best as far as space, etc. I have a mag7 running the return right now, but I'm adding a seahorse tank (20 gal) and want to use a bigger pump split with a ball valve on the seahorse return side. My overflow on my current 30 gal is rated up to 600 gph I think. So something around 800gph at 4' head with some left over to compensate for the elbows and ball valves. That's why I'm looking at the quiet one 4000 HH.