Ro water alternative.

Depending on where you are located there are LFS that have RODI water and companies that sell it in 5gal jugs.

Do not use the water from 5gallon cooler jugs, tap or spring water from the store.
Many ro units just hook up to the water faucet or add a t to the cold water line and done. No permanent damage. It goes when you do.
I heard some people use Wal-Mart distilled water.
The Ph varies, but I guess it stabilizes when you add salt.

Maybe someone more knowledgeable than I am can explain.
i currently hook mine up to the bathroom sink, and fill 5gallon jugs in the tub (to avoid more floods)

it just screws right in. easy in easy out
just get the adapter that attached to the sink faucet. problem solved. my dad uses it and just places the 5 gallon bucket in the sink...just in case he forgets that its on-it will only overflow into the sink.
Agreed, if your landlord won't let you tap into the cold water line, then the faucet adapter is your only option. I would think the RODI filter would pay for itself many time over compared to buying gallons of distilled water from the market.
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