should I be freaking out??


I had a sea hare die in my tank, should I be preparing water for a massive water change? I heard they are toxic, but have not been able to confirm that from the research I have done so far, seems like there is more information on sea slugs than sea hares.
Size of your tank, skimmer/filter/refugium info, and type/size of slug would help people get an answer for you.
I have a 29gallon tank, with a red sea skimmer, no sump
the size of the sea hare was about 1-1.5 inches he was barely alive yesterday night, after coming back from work he was dead, so he was not dead for more than 17 hours in the tank, using a tetra filter
yeah so far everything is fine, but I read some reports where fish die after a week of a sea slug dies, but not sure if the same would apply to a sea hare
I think you will be ok(Stress "Think") I would run some carbon and do a good waterchange just to be safe.
I wish I knew the answer to that question, Wall.
I wish you luck.

You could play it very cautiously and do a 25 or 50% water change...
thanks for the advice, for peace of mind regardless of what the outcome is I will do a water change and run some carbon

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