side ways fish!


not sure how bad this is? my new clown fish swims on it's side alot, not all the time just once and a while and for a short period of time. looks rather disturbing when you enter the room though!! other than that he(or she) seems fine. eating well and swimming around the tank(just not near my bta) well. any thoughts?
I'd say cut back on your vodka dosing. Obviously he's drunk! :D
Seriously, is he "scraping" against things? Could be ich. If not, clowns tend to swim differently than others. My clowns would literally lie down on their sides inside their carpet anemone.
he's not scrapeing at all but i guess you could say he looks drunk! he looks very healthy. i can't find any signs of ick or anything else. hopefully he's just a little laterally challanged!!
They do that cute wiggle swim long as they are not scraping...or appear to be fighting a bouyancy problem...sounds normal.