Sixline wrasse aggression


Even with lots of rocks and hiding spaces in my 180g, my sixline wrasse hasn't stopped in harassing my ornate leopard since it was introduced, there is no way to catch it. Should I get another sixline to distract its attention to the leopard. Thoughts ?
Sixlines are just a** hol3s in my experience. Never had luck getting them to place nice with others. Good for pest control though!
Ive had them be aggressive towards other wrasses. The one I have now was the last fish added to the tank and it is fine with all the other tankmates. He seems to run with my reef chromi (another known a-hole species oddly enough)
Problem with SO many different Fish is that, as they grow and spend time in our tanks they just plain run out of room. Which turns to aggression with tankmates, even Fish that might not normally be aggressive. They just get stir crazy.
Think about it, in the wild even if they stick to a small territory it is WAY bigger than any of us could ever provide them. With so many nooks and crannys to hide and swim through. Not too mention in the wild food will be much more available than any tank, which fuels much of the territorial aggression in the first place. Now add social structure and sexuel maturity into it and its just a recipe for a disaster in a closed system.
Unfortunately long term Fish selection and keeping is still one of the toughest parts of this hobby.

*one reason I generally don't sell six line Wrasse, lol
I recently moved my six line wrasse into a a new tank with my clownfish. It started attacking my clownfish and ripping its fins in the new tank. I had to take out all the rocks to catch it.
I recently moved my six line wrasse into a a new tank with my clownfish. It started attacking my clownfish and ripping its fins in the new tank. I had to take out all the rocks to catch it.
They are super hard to get out. I had to do the same thing with my rocks because I was putting into berghia nudis
Six line wrasses are the devil. If you look closely you can see little horns. Trap it and throw it in your sump if you value your leopard wrasse (and many of the other fish in your display).
I have a smallish one you are welcome to borrow. Its about 6"X3.5"X4". Might be small for a 180g tank, but you are free to give it a go. I have caught a six line wrasse with it. I live in Belmont MA.
Too funny (no disrespect meant elamintor) but I have two of them and they are pretty mature (in my systems) approx 2+ years for one, 1.5 for the other. Different tanks but they are in with Chromi's, Damsel's, a gramma, midas blenny, Yellow tang, and they are model citizens.

Am am glad I read this tho b/c prior to purchase (of the first one) I had heard rumors but with the aforementioned experience I was about a month + away from adding them to a newly established DT with a bunch more newer fish so now I'm second guessing that decision.

Good luck getting him out. If you get it out successfully (and it's not spoken for) I'll give you $20 for it as I have one more system that could use one (my first tank). Lemme know.

(in Wakefield)