sun polyps

Have a chance to grab some sun polyps but I don?t know much about them. Can anyone tell me a few facts?

Sun Polyps prefer little light and do require target feeding. If you neglect them in the feeding department they deterioate rapidly. It can get challenging to feed them as your shrimp and fish will readily steal food from them. They will accept any meaty foods. Brine, Mysis, Krill all will do very nicely.

They tend to open up after lights out for feeding but you can "train" them to open at a more reasonable time. Some folks remove the coral from the tank and feed them seperately.

They're a beautiful coral but do require special care.

Here's a pic of mine ... (as good as I could get under 15K lighting.)

they don't need much light i keep mine under a cliff
flow little to moderate
and must be spot fed they like live mysis but can get away with frozen and cyclopeze about twice aweek works for mine
actully i have had mine for maybe 3 months and have only seen one new head/polp appear and its still quite small
Are they fast growers? I understand water parameters have an impact on how things grow, I just mean in general.

i think they are, the one i have was abouy 75% dead (my clowns were hosting it and it would never open) its only been a month or so and its at 95%
I have one that was down to two heads and doing terribly. It has popped about 10 heads now. One of them is actually big and the others are baby sized.
i think they are, the one i have was abouy 75% dead (my clowns were hosting it and it would never open) its only been a month or so and its at 95%

I moved mine about 3 weeks ago to an area where I could see it better. no matter what I did. I put it back into a lower flow and light spot, and it opens more often. My issue is that the sun polyps are actually on a live scallop, :eek: and sometimes the scallop moves to greener pastures, and it needs to be put back......

I tried putting a piece of silverside on it, but even after 3 pieces, the 2 cleaners kept stealing it....little bastards are going to end up saut?ed if they don't knock it off.

When you all are saying target fed, how do you target feed cyclop-eeze, which blows all over the tank when you put it in?:confused: Do you do a shutdown of pumps and/or powerheads? :confused:

I feed cyclop-eeze once a week or so....what the corals get, they get, but this is one of my favorites, so I want it to succeed / grow
I moved mine about 3 weeks ago to an area where I could see it better. no matter what I did. I put it back into a lower flow and light spot, and it opens more often. My issue is that the sun polyps are actually on a live scallop, :eek: and sometimes the scallop moves to greener pastures, and it needs to be put back......

I tried putting a piece of silverside on it, but even after 3 pieces, the 2 cleaners kept stealing it....little bastards are going to end up saut?ed if they don't knock it off.

When you all are saying target fed, how do you target feed cyclop-eeze, which blows all over the tank when you put it in?:confused: Do you do a shutdown of pumps and/or powerheads? :confused:

I feed cyclop-eeze once a week or so....what the corals get, they get, but this is one of my favorites, so I want it to succeed / grow

I do the Cyclopeze a couple times a week and let it fly all over the tank. They get their fair share for shure. Then I'll hit them with Brine or whatever is on the menu that night.

Check out this pic of one of the polyps devouring a large Krill. I had posted this somewhere else, but check it out.

Cory makes an excellent suggestion. You'll notice that they'll eat and then really open up for more.