Super Skimmer Problems

Salty Dog


My Coralife Super Skimmer 125 seems to have lost it's love for skimming. It's been difficult to adjust for the last week or two (either no skimmate, or almost a wet skim).

So I figured after about six months, it might be a good time to do the monthly maintenance. Ripped out the pump and collection cup, cleaned them all up. Ran some water down the air line to make sure there wasn't any big salt buildup, etc.

Now I end up with a bunch of tiny bubbles up near the base of the collection cup - nowhere near what I had before for bubble production. Before there was a much higher concentration of bubbles up there, and they tended to be larger as well.

Any ideas?


It's either the air intake or their so-called venturi needs to be seated ALL way.My bet would be on the venturi.Actually pmo so much I glued it permantly.
Yea, that seems to be my problem - I screw around with the venturi coupling and it changes the bubble behavior - I think I'm going to rip it out again and permanently affix that puppy to the pump adapter.

Thanks for the help!

check hole on the venturi at the pump. Mine used to get clogged there with salt. I soaked in vinegar and used a toothpick to clean out. I started running boiled ro water bi-weekly through airline to keep nice and clean, great advice for all.
I actually superglued the venturi piece to the part that attaches to the pump and it solved the problem. Thanks everyone for the help!