T5 x Dimmer conflict


v 4.0
I plugged a new T5 fixture and I'm having problems getting it to work. To make a long story short this is what i found out:

If I have the room lights turned on, when I turn the T5 on, it flashes but doesn't stay on.

If I have the room lights turned off, it works fine.

The room lights use a in-wall dimmer.

Could this be a conflict? Any filter I need to use or any other way of getting the T5 to work with the room lights on? :confused:
Have you tried an outlet on a different circuit? Is the outlet you are using on the dimmer control circuit?
This is a double outlet. The upper one is dimmer-controlled, where I plug the lamp. The bottom one is not dimmer-controlled, where I plugged the T5.

I'll try to plug into a different outlet but that will require a major rearrangement before.
You're describing a common problem relating to low voltage.I agree w/denvig.not wired right or a short on that outlet.I Don't think it is a short though 'cause any other outlets
on the same circuit would be affected.