Tank move question


So in moving my biocube reef today about a half hour away or so. Currently I have a 30 gallon qt set up and had a few questions. What would be better. Placing all livestock in qt while I set up the biocube at the new location and give some time for a small cycle? Or set up the biocube and get it as good/clean as I can get it and place livestock back in? I'm mainly worried about die off in the back chambers and the sand. Any thoughts?
Also the qt has live rock and a few corals currently. Just not sure what would be better/less destructive to the livestock. Livestock consists of pair of midnight clowns,Harlequin eel, coral banded shrimp, sand sifting star, and various corals snails and hermits. Again any thoughts would be great. TIA
Better safe than sorry.It can be done in a day.
But,if you have a QT set up with LR I would move everything into there and then move the biocube.
Let everything settle in there,test the water and then make the move with your fish,inverts and corals.
I agree put in QT. I just did a tank swap and haven't had any issues. Fingers crossed but it was a one tank right into the other and I matched salinity and temp first. I put all new sand down too. But if I was traveling I would QT and make sure. Only thing I can think is the sand sifter? Is there sand in the QT tank. Not sure how it would do.
Yea I thought that it may just be easier to let things settle for the time, just wasn't sure if it would be more stressful or not.

Actually there is no sand in the qt. also wasn't sure if I even wanted him back in the biocube as he loves to knock over all my corals.
Looks like I'm late for an answer but if you have a holding tank, you might as well use it.

If not, I would've transfered everything, run carbon, add some Amquel, and make sure everything tested fine.
Yea just a tad late lol, just finished the move, everything in the qt seems to be doing fine. The biocube looks nasty so I'm glad I didn't put anything back in it haha. Few more questions. So I found some bubble algae growing underneath a few corals. The qt has some emerald crabs, should I toss one or two in the biocube as well? Also I have a grass/turf like algae that I can rip off the rocks but can't obviously get it all. How can I rid the tank of that as well?
If you can remove the rock first and pick off the bubble algae,I would do that.Then I'd rinse the area with some tank water over a sink.
The bubbles carry spores that can make more bubble algae.So if you break one try to rinse the area.
Then definitely put the emerald crabs in the biocube when the parameters are good and it's looking better in there.
Yea I did the best removing then gently as I noticed them. I have just never used emeralds in a mixed reef and didnt know if they would pose a problem.

Any thoughts on the green grass like algae? It is thick and very tough to pull off the rocks. I actually used some forceps and did the best I could as I took the rock out.