Tank Photo Update!

joe that clown is getting big! i cant believe you fit all of that in a 40 gal. I have a 38 gal tank and i thought if i was going to keep a mixed reef i would have to upgrade to a really big tank but i guess that a 38 gal is enough to make a nice aqua scape... ill get to it eventually i dont make enough money working just summers to support a tank like this... oh well maby a nano in my dorm will look cool XD

Thanks for the compliments! I do have a lot of stuff, lol. I always love tanks with a wide variety and thats what I aimed for. Honestly I feel like my clown hardly grew any...maybe a bit, but I want him to be huge! :)

While everyone wishes they had a bigger tank I've seen some nano's that beat the crap out of some ppl's huge tanks. I guess it all depends what you do with it.
New shot taken a few days ago. Yes, I have fish in there but they are camera shy. ;)
