Tank upgrade to a 55g


College Reefer
I'm upgrading from my 24g AP to my beat/scratched-to-hell 55g. The scratches suck but new apt figured I would upgrade the tank to what I've got readily available.

Anyways...I'm trying to get together a list of fish. Right now I've got a Clown so I'm going to get a larger or small clown to help them easily pair....I was thinking of getting a Volitan Lionfish but I'm afraid he might eat my skunk cleaner or one of my clowns...any input?

If the lionfish doesn't work I'm open to ideas...also what about some good inverts? I'm thinking another skunk cleaner, and prob a sally light foot crab.

for corals I'm going to keep it easy...multi colored zoas and shrooms over time.

thanks for looking

o yea...I'll take some pics along the way to keep track of how it goes.

thanks again
i'm no expert, but i'm pretty sure that lion fish will eat anything smaller than it is. there are people here that know way more than i do, but bigger fish usually scare or kill smaller fish. just my .02
True the Lion fish will grow to the point that smaller fish will be dinner eventually. Also as you ad corals you'll be arranging to your liking here and there and you don't want to brush up against the Lion fish. Stay more towards smaller peaceful fish. I never had a good feeling about a Sally Lightfoot crabs disposition as they prey on inverts and smaller fish. My .02 as well.
damn haha. I had a feeling the lionfish wouldn't work I was just hoping b/c its an awesome looking fish.

as for the sally i've never heard that, I'll have to look into it...thanks guys
Avalanche, I am in a similar boat as you as far as the upgrade of tank and looking into something cool. I think that the marine betta is amazing, although I know little about them. Liveaquaria.com says the following:
"The Marine Betta is not commonly kept in a reef-style aquarium, but it is reported to be safe with corals and anemones, however, it will eat all small fish and shrimp. It is nocturnal and requires hiding places to provide it shelter from bright lighting, being more active at dusk."

I have a royal dottyback and a false percula from the old tank, and then (at the same time) added a pair of black and white false percula clowns. they all get along really well.

I was by the LFS and asked about a porcupine blowfish which i thought looked very interesting but they said that in a reef tank it would nip at everything. let me know what you decide to go with!