Thoughts on Waterbox?


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BRS Member
I have been running a redsea reefer for a decade. I was in love with this tank when I first got it but over time have realized there are some serious flaws in their design, mostly the plumbing and the stand.

Waterbox has moved to an aluminum frame which I think gives them a huge advantage. I am thinking about upgrading and wanted to see if anyone is willing to share feedback on their gear.
I think a lot of the AIO has some flaw in their plumbing. Even the Uber expensive Elos pluming can be flawed and clogged.
That said, I’ve had two Elos(70 and 160XL) and a waterbox frag(something). If money is no object, I would go with the Elos. However, all tank will eventually scratched so I’m not sure if it’s worth paying that much for an Elos. The waterbox is 90% of the Elos and is very well priced. IMO. And a great tank.
On my WB peninsula, aside from adapting my way out of their plumbing setup, the tank seems just fine. My only gripe, and maybe it’s just me, is that the overflow box cannot handle a lot of flow unless you modify it some how (careful, it’s glass). Not sure if others feel that way or I just wanted more flow cause it’s a peninsula but it’s my current experience.