
The "Tank Of The Month" is going to be renamed "Tank Of Every Other Month"... there's simply not enough participation to justify it being a monthly thing (we got a total of 3 nominations last time)... plus, this way we should be able to better maintain a high standard both for the quality of the selected tanks, as well as the quality of the article itself. We're discussing ways to increase participation, and we hope to have some interesting news to announce soon, but for now that's the status...

That said, the latest TOTM article is still pending due to scheduling conflicts, mine and the tank's owner. It should still be published sometime this month, starting the "every other month" frequency.

I support that with the level of detail done in the totm for bec's...if thats the quality of all the other ones take your time and make them just as nice.
Thanks so much Nuno, for putting so much into this contest and the write-ups. They're a great addition to the club, and from the looks of the first write-up and photos, they're quite a bit of work but with an excellent product to show for it at the end.


Nuno and the other TOEOM producers are really working hard to keep the end result as high end as possible. It was a great honor knowing how much effort they put into featuring my tank. We're lucky to have such dedicated volunteers. The next TOEOM publication will be well worth the wait.

I agree with bec...hard to beleive they are volunteers...I don't think we could have got better results if we paid for them :)
Thanks for the kind words, guys... although it may sound like so, this is not just a matter of my time, it's also the tank owner's time... everybody has jobs, family, etc and sometimes it's just hard to just schedule something immediately... it usually needs to be on a weekend, and there are only 4 of those a month :) so it's very easy to fall behind quickly.

Plus, if we want to showcase the very best tanks in the club we need to be selective, and if we want it to be sustainable we can't do the very best 12 tanks in the first year and then run out for the second year (I'm not saying there's literally only 12 nice tanks in the club, just trying to get a point across).

We have some ideas brewing about different categories of tanks, etc, so that people with smaller tanks, or softy tanks, etc, don't feel "left out" or intimidated by the large SPS-dominated tanks that won the first two months.

I hope I didn't seem critical. I just loved Bec's TOTM and was looking forward to more.

Your work on the last two TOTM's was just awesome and I learned a ton just by reading them!

Hopefully somday when I iron out my tank photography technique, I can help out with the photos :)

maurod said:
I hope I didn't seem critical. I just loved Bec's TOTM and was looking forward to more.

No problem, I understand what you're saying... there will be more :) just not every month...

Btw, I didn't hear from you and Chuck yesterday about coming over to check out the tank. Maybe some other time...

nunofs said:
Btw, I didn't hear from you and Chuck yesterday about coming over to check out the tank. Maybe some other time...


I got tied up with work and ended up working my whole comute home and then until 9pm last night.
"Tank Of The Month" is really just a naming convention from other websites and magazines. I guess we could rename it Quarterly Superduper Tank or something like that.

I would encourage anyone who wants to see more tank of the months to contact me about writing one.

Writing a totm is completely on a volonteer baisis. The subject can also be an innovative setup, or one that has overcome an obstical, or one with interesting livestock.
~Flighty~ said:
I would encourage anyone who wants to see more tank of the months to contact me about writing one.

Cindy, as I've explained above, the constraint is not just my personal time, there are other factors to it that it makes more sense to have a "tank of every other month" and not a "tank of the month", I've been discussing this at length with Greg and others. I'm not trying to have a monopoly on this, but having other people do additional "tank of the month" articles would not work.

Of course people could and should volunteer to create articles or other content, there's plenty to write about, take photos, explain in detail, at all levels of the hobby. And I'm sure you would appreciate any such contribution for the newsletter.

Sorry, I didn't mean to step on any toes. I worded that poorly, I should have said tank articles rather than TOTM. I just didn't people to be discouraged from writing articles about tanks in the club or volonteering to help you out with one of the tank of the month articles.
Not a problem Cindy, just wanted to give everyone a better idea about what's going on with the TOTM... there should be some more news soon.
