unhappy stars and stripes puffer

lisa foster

I purchased a stars and stripes puffer abot 5 days ago. When I got him home I noticed it looked like alot of his skin on the top of his body looked scrapeddoff however he was acting fine and eating. Today he has just been sitting at the bottom of the tank his fins clamped to hiis side in a little cave in the live rock. Does anyone know what could be wrong is it something connected to his skin? It is very sad he looks miserable
The fact that he is sitting on the bottom doesn't worry me (sometimes my porc puffer would sit on the bottom for a while) but his skin condition doesn't sound normal. Without pics we can't really help.
puffer pic

My six year old broke the lense so I cannot post picture. It look as if His skin has been scraped off revealing much lighter skin there is healthy skin in patches all over his body. It looks like he scraped himself on a rock. I did not notice it until I put him in my tank at home. I am sorry I cannot provide a picture. I know puffers do sit on the bottom of the tank he has been there since last night he just stares out friom between the rocks.
hm....Is he eating fine? You say it looks like he scraped himself on a rock? Have you noticed him doing this at all? Also besides laying on the bottom for a unusually long amount of time have you noticed anything else he does that isn't normal?
stars and stripes

No He has not been rubbing himself against anything He came with all the damage to his skin. I seperated him in a seperate tank so he would be less stressed by tank mates. He did swim to the top and his fins were moving but he went right back to the bottom with his fins clamped to his sides this is what was concerning me.