Updated sump & algae scrubber


I am revamping my whole filtration system. Everything currently lives under my tank inside the stand, and has worked out very well; however it's been running for close to a year right now and I am in the process of making some big changes to the system. Ill start with the 29 gallon sump. There's provisions for three filter socks (I won't be running them all the time, but they're there for future use. I have also incorporated a bracket for more probes and drip tubes than I'll ever need, which is located on the up flow side of the bubble trap to constantly keep the probes fed a fresh sample. The middle chamber is for the skimmer and the last is for the return pump and heaters. Here's a few pictures
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Yes, I have been working on them all day. Standard aqueon 29 tank, acrylic baffles, and plain old GE 100%silicone to hold the baffles in place. Here's a sneak peek at the scrubber; ill post back shortly as I hopefully finish up tonight with all the details. My first acrylic project (aside from baffling a few sumps in the past)
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How tight of a fit did you make the baffles? Acrylic absorbs water and expands so if you made them a tight fit it could expand and break the sump. Edited: I just noticed that you have done this a few times so you are most likely aware of this but will leave that up just in case someone does not know about that.

The sump look great, so the scrubber is going to be seperate from the sump?
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Ok so here's the scrubber. It is a bit larger than necessary, which is fine. I bought these lights (eBay special) they are only 14w each which is severely under powered and they are a 630nm and 660nm has been doing better in tests. It will work to get me started, I will probably end up going smaller in the future and doing a custom led array using 660's and a few royal blues in the mix as well. The screen is ~ 10"x10" and for the amount I feed my tank should be about 6"x6". I will use this to my advantage however and feed a little heavier which I'm sure my fish and growing corals will appreciate! I am also attaching a picture of the future system cabinet I made; the sump will be lower most as in the picture, scrubber will sit inside a 20 long on the middle shelf, and another 20 long on the top shelf will be a frag tank. This will all be tied into my 54, hence the three filter sock provisions (display, frag, and scrubber)
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Matt, thanks for the heads up. I keep about 1/8" of space and let the silicone fill the gap; this is my fourth sump and have not had any issues yet (knock on wood)!

The scrubber will be seperate. It's going to eventually take the place of my fuge which seems to just collect detritus on a daily basis, as well as grow more hair algae than cheato- in essence it acts as a scrubber already. I figure I would try the real deal and see how it goes. Many people rely on the scrubber as their only form of filtration; I will be keeping my skimmer as well as the rox.08 carbon running 24-7 as I always have. I think the carbon is what has really been allowing everything to co-exist so well considering I have a mix of everything in my reef!
Scrubber looks good but in that last pic on the floor there appears to be some sort of small rat checking out your sump! Lol
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