Very Quick Plumbing question


I have two holes into the top of my tank drilled and out the back of the bulk heads it comes to a tee and the top goes up past the bulk head about 2 inches. On the cover of each of those tops are 2 holes drilled. The tubes then flow down into my very crowded sump and at the bottom it has a 45 degree turn that is facing my skimmer pump. Inside the sump sits a Mag 18 (return pump) a euro-reef skimmer and a box that contains live rock rubble.

Question is....Tonight I noticed that I would get (gulps?) of water every once in a while coming out the top of the holes on one of the covers at the top of the bulk head.

I turned down the flow of the mag and then noticed that the drain pipe inside the sump was very close the pump for the skimmer.

Do you think that was the cause? I have moved the pump to angle away from the drain pipe.
I don't think your skimmer has anything to do with it.

I'd lengthen the vent pipe coming out of the Tee by a couple inches.