Watch tank temps

What fans are we using nowadays? just regular fans?
I’m sure you can get fancy but air is air. I bought a cheap clip-on fan that I clip on to the end of my ReefBreeders. It’s a dinky usb fan but it works well. Doesn’t look great or integrated, but it’s not huge and awful either. Now that I have the thermostat, I’m pretty confident going into this summer

My major issues with my setup are the shade created by the fan in that corner and the color - I should have bought a black one.
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I’m sure you can get fancy but air is air. I bought a cheap clip-on fan that I clip on to the end of my ReefBreeders. It’s a dinky usb fan but it works well. Doesn’t look great or integrated, but it’s not huge and awful either. Now that I have the thermostat, I’m pretty confident going into this summer
Yeah I agree.
Luckily I didnt have an issue, but identified a stupid mistake. I have three temp probes on my system, one in sump, one in frag tank and one in display with all three tanks connected (redundancy). Sump and frag tank are in the basement. Sump and display each have a 500W heater. My display heater was actually paired with my frag tank temp probe in the basement on my Apex. My display climbed from 77 to 77.6 which I thought was odd and checked my heaters as it was still listed as being on which is what tipped me off. Should have been off at 77 degrees. One future possible crisis avoided. Checked all my programming after that...