What is the min time to run MHs?


BRS Member
Just wondering what is the least amount of time they can be run w/o problems 10-8-6 hours?
I have read about people running them as little as 4 hours,I run mine for 10 hrs then the actinics an hour before and an hour after.
I run mine from 745am to 645 pm for 11 hours with VhO actinics 45 minutes before and after.My growth has been incredible. I know i cut down the life of my bulb but this way they get alittle more sunlight and i can watch them alittle longer too. Plus if you think about it the Sun doesnt turn on and shut off 10-6. I always thought that you should try to synthesize nature.
Armando said:
i reduced from 10 to 8 with a slight loss of color.

Good information Armando. The slight loss in color with your sps never recovered with time? Do you still run it at 8 hours or did you try it for several months and switch back to 10 hours?

I also run at 10 and was debating 8 hours in the Summer because of the heat issues. Thanks in advance for any additional information.
I run my 2 x 150w 20k hqi's from 11 - 11

and the 3 x 250w 10k hqi's from 12 - 10

so basically I run them for 12 hours