Will a pair of Pink skunk clown fish and a pair of false perc live together?

Possible, but not too likely to work long term. If the female is a skunk she might accept multiple juviniles in her tank. Other females are more bitchy. No telling if the juvies would stay juvi or start developing.
Depends upon how far apart they are. My clowns very rarely travel more then 12" from the anemone. So if you had an anemone at the far end of each side, then you may be in luck
But it would be a chance
Thanks for the information.

Both the skunks and percs are mated pair, that means there will be two bitchy female and two male slaves in the tank.

There is no anemone casue it is a SPS/LPS tank.
Without something to anchor them they will travel.
I di have a pair of percs & a another pair at the same time...they were younger & seemed to get along OK
Both females are about 2 inch long and the males are smaller. May be worth a try? Thanks
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