Worcester local fish store

I'm in Worcester, is there any good place to check out or buy corals....

From an LFS perspective, not really... You can find some corals at these locations:

- Petco in Shrewsbury
- Petco in Auburn
- Krystal Clear Aquatics in Auburn (across the street from Friendly's)
- Tropic Isle in Framingham

You're better off going to the LFS up near/in New Hampshire for a better selection.

Love the Reef has an awesome selection to choose from.

Elmafioso (Pablo), a BRS member, is in Worcester/Spencer; he usually has a nice selection of stuff available as well.
What ever happened to Lordus and her dad in Worcester? Do they still have a shop?
how about Dong's coral farm? i dont see any stores nearby have that much selections as Dong has plug low price and 35-40 minutes from Worcester.. hihhi i just spread the words for free.......though :)