Xanthichthys auromarginatus (Blue throat/jaw triggerfish)

Kevin McG said:
When I first got mine into the tank the other fish reacted much like what you described, all the other fish were like "What the hell is that!!"

Good luck with him and post some pix :)

Sounds good Kevin. I will post pics soon. Will keep you posted guys on how is he doing.
Well he did pretty good when i introduce him to my tank. He ate food and swim all over the tank and he did same for second day but since then i can't find him in my tank. It has been two days and i haven't seen him. I hope he is still hiding in the rock work but he didn't even came out when i feed the tank which wasn't the case before.
My tank is tightly covered and i looked all around the tank just to see if he jumped out the tank or not as i have read few threads where they mention about it. Only other thing i can think of is, he might have try to jump and end up in the overflow some how but not sure.

Did your Blue throat trigger hide to the point that you can even see him for few days? It sounds strage as he was swimming all around the tank for first two days and now he is no where to find. Any ideas??


Hi Shoeib,

I had the exact same experience with my Bluethroat Trigger. He just vanished one day, never to be seen again. Next time I get one I think I will keep him in my refugium for a few weeks to hopefully de-stress him.


Shoeib said:
Well he did pretty good when i introduce him to my tank. He ate food and swim all over the tank and he did same for second day but since then i can't find him in my tank. It has been two days and i haven't seen him. I hope he is still hiding in the rock work but he didn't even came out when i feed the tank which wasn't the case before.
My tank is tightly covered and i looked all around the tank just to see if he jumped out the tank or not as i have read few threads where they mention about it. Only other thing i can think of is, he might have try to jump and end up in the overflow some how but not sure.

Did your Blue throat trigger hide to the point that you can even see him for few days? It sounds strage as he was swimming all around the tank for first two days and now he is no where to find. Any ideas??

Chuck, Thanks for reply. I agree it will definately help to keep him by himself for few weeks.
Update on my blue throat trigger: I saw him picking from a cave that he likes and he ate some food that i feed the tank. Definately good sign. According to few threads that i read, this seems to be normal. I will keep you guys posted.

Shoeib, I am glad you found the Trigger! Hope he does well! :)

Shoeib said:
Chuck, Thanks for reply. I agree it will definately help to keep him by himself for few weeks.
Update on my blue throat trigger: I saw him picking from a cave that he likes and he ate some food that i feed the tank. Definately good sign. According to few threads that i read, this seems to be normal. I will keep you guys posted.
Update: He is coming out more often but still hides a lot. He parks himself in a cave using his trigger fins and watch other fish swim. I can see his face and see him come out a little and then he goes back.
I fed my tank again and he was just waiting for that. He came out and eat without any fear and he ate a good portion. I am going to feed tank again so he can get little bit more. I think he is adjusting pretty good now. I will keep you guys posted. Thanks for all your replies.

Guys do you have picture of your blue jaw trigger? Mine is kind of greenish instead of silverish color. Is that normal?
Upgrading my 75. I'm setting up a 210 reef tank.Tank is on the stand and plumbed into the celler. Going to fill it up with the garden hose for a test run tomorrow before filling with rodi.
One of my reasons for the upgrade is I want to keep more fish. When this tank is safe to stock I am adding a male and female blue jaw. At what point should I add them? First fish, last or doesn't matter? The only other large fish I'm adding is a 10" sailfin tang that I already have. [no the sailfin is not in the 75]
Chuck Spyropulos said:
One more thing....I would quaranteen this fish for a while just to get him used to eating and to people, etc. This may help de-stress the fish and make him less shy in your main tank.

I agree, i have one and doing great.
Given the initial shyness of the fish by previous accounts here, I would be inclined to startof with them first. jmho
So far my blue throat trigger is doing good. NOt as much active swimmer though as he is still afraid of my Imperator Angel but come feeding time, he is the first to come out and eats most of the goodies.
I got a small one a few weeks ago. I didn't see it for the first 8 or 9 days, now it's the biggest pig in the tank! Gotta love Reef Safe Triggers!
ReeferMedic said:
I got a small one a few weeks ago. I didn't see it for the first 8 or 9 days, now it's the biggest pig in the tank! Gotta love Reef Safe Triggers!

What does your BJT eat? Mine is getting picky. They eat plankton in wild so i don't blame them for not liking certain food.
He likes:
Flake, Home made frozen goodies (Mix of shrimp, scallops, brine shrimps, mysis shrimps, cyclo-peeze, chopped clams etc...)

Nori, Pellets
I have a pink-tail trigger in my tank... As was stated many times before, they are a chicken when you walk in front of the tank, but if you stand there for a while, they know that you're there to feed them and it'll come out. I just recently added some saddleback clowns and he did bully one of the clowns around. The saddles are VERY small, so that may be why. I also picked up a CBB that I have housed in a 7-gal minibow currently, to get it eating more voraciously. I think that it needed to be QT-ed so I could get it to eat, because my PinkTail is such a hog, I don't think the CBB would ever get any food. The CBB is so lax. when it comes to feeding.

Anyway, I also added a cleaner shrimp... So far so good.

BTW, mine loves freeze dried krill...
I was going to bump this thread today to ask a question about the blue throats. do any of you notice them spitting water out the top of the tank?

I have noticed mine doing this in the morning and it is driving me nuts! He only does it in one side of the tank and it makes a mess of the drywall and drips down the frint of the glass :(
I read somewhere that triggers spit water naturally into the sand to stir up food. When in captivity they see food coming from above the water and they use their natural instinct of "spitting" to make food appear. Guess it means they are hungry and want to eat. Have not noticed that behavior yet with my bluethroat but he does like to jump into the overflow chamber to chase food.
Shoeib said:
What does your BJT eat? Mine is getting picky. They eat plankton in wild so i don't blame them for not liking certain food.
He likes:
Flake, Home made frozen goodies (Mix of shrimp, scallops, brine shrimps, mysis shrimps, cyclo-peeze, chopped clams etc...)

Nori, Pellets

Mine eats mysis, squidd, pretty much anything meaty. A niger I had ate Nori, but I haven't seen the BJT eat it yet......
Kevin McG said:
I was going to bump this thread today to ask a question about the blue throats. do any of you notice them spitting water out the top of the tank?

I have noticed mine doing this in the morning and it is driving me nuts! He only does it in one side of the tank and it makes a mess of the drywall and drips down the frint of the glass :(

I've noticed this with Triggers I've had in the past. I'm not sure why, but they are known tospit water from the surface.....
Kevin McG said:
I was going to bump this thread today to ask a question about the blue throats. do any of you notice them spitting water out the top of the tank?

I have noticed mine doing this in the morning and it is driving me nuts! He only does it in one side of the tank and it makes a mess of the drywall and drips down the frint of the glass :(

So far mine hasn't done that. Be careful with the electrical wires/wiring. You don't want this water end up over there.
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