Firefish Goby Tail bitten


Something bite off a piece of my firefish goby. Any idea what did this? I have 2 Percula Clowns, 1 Yellow Tang, 1 Royal Gramma, 2 Cleaner Shrimps, 1 Peppermint shrimp, 2 Emerald crabs, 2 Pom Pom Crabs, red and blue hermit crabs, some turbo snails, and lots of brittle worms.
i would put my wager on the gramma. they can be aggressive. the tail should grow back though, unless it is serious damage.
Really? The gramma looks so timid. I figured it was one of the crab or worm.
My gramma has been aggressive towards pretty much everything in my tank, but it IS pretty........
wait till you see the gramma yawn or whatever they do that looks like yawning. their mouths are HUGE! they are very attractive fish though.
wait till you see the gramma yawn or whatever they do that looks like yawning. their mouths are HUGE! they are very attractive fish though.

that's an aggression does that when it goes head to head with my dottyback
wait till you see the gramma yawn or whatever they do that looks like yawning. their mouths are HUGE! they are very attractive fish though.

Yup, ours does that a lot. Funny, I wouldn't call her super aggressive but she's definately our most aggressive fish out of a YT, a bunch of wrasses, a pair of anthias, and a pair of clowns. It only really comes out in her if another fish goes into where she considers her territory.
yeah, they do not like anyone messing with their territory. they are always the first fish to bolt into their home when you stick your hand or a net near them though.
Last night I found the top fin of the firefish stripped off. And on one side of it's body there is a small bump. He looks like he's been beat up on. What should I do? He looks terrible. But he's still swimming and eating fine. Tough little fellow.
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