Hello Boston Reefers!


Oxymonacanthus lover
Matt Pedersen here...I was Googling for info on Oxymonacanthus longirostris and came across Cindy's thread, and just had to weigh in!

For those who don't know me, I'm basically the founder of MOFIB and a former BOD member there...I'm a longtime hobbyist (first aquarium was 27 years go, first salt tank 25 years ago). I've spent my fair share of time in the industry, although I am glad that I am out and have no plans to go back in, ever! Currently, I'm keeping just under 100 gallons, and have spent the last few years focusing my hobby on marine fish breeding...I've reared 5 species (including being the first in the world to do O. longirostris) and I think the headcount on species spawned and documented is 17 fish, 7 inverts so far...maybe more. I'm a part time fly fishing guide, and full time software developer - that's what pays the bills and funds the hobby!

Probably won't see me here much if ever (I'm probably registered on most boards, generally as mwp, mp, mpedersen, mwpmwp etc. - can't be all places all the time), but I couldn't resist posting to Cindy's excellent thread -> http://www.bostonreefers.org/forums/showthread.php?t=80477
Hey, good to see you. Please hang out sometimes. I heard about you when were talking in that thread and I was hoping you would post.
Welcome to the BRS. It would be great if you could drop in on us everyonce in a while.
We've recently added an aquaculture and breeding forum here, and we would welcome your insights and experience....thanks for looking us up, and welcome to the club!
Thanks all again for the welcome!

so wana take me and my dad fly fishing? lol

If you're ever around the Chicago area in October, the King Salmon Run on the Milwaukee in mid October is absolutely bonkers. I've been told by people who've been that their time on the water here is better than Alaska! Now, I don't know if I believe that, but it sure IS fun!

Of course, nothing has blown me away like the Steelhead runs in PA in the fall, and my first spring OH trip this year proved that Lake Erie is probably the steelhead capitol of the world.

The trout? All the inland trout fishing is just wasting time between potadromous runs!

So Coralcor, the answer YES, just name the when and where? ;)

