Newbie here and ready to learn this great hobby

New 12 gal Mr Aqua. Will be putting an MP10 on so need some lighting advice.
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I'll mostly have some nice hybrid clowns, goby/pistol pair, lots of soft corals, and a couple of anemones. Lighting will be an AI nano or a DIY LED kit
Looks beautiful!! You will do fine. I'm 3 months in myself with my 75 and lived and learned with a few mistakes. Add one fish or so at a time and give it at least several weeks before another. I was a sucker once and a lfs took me for a newbie ride and kept sending me home with bags of fish. This stressed the heck out of my tank, I had an ich outbreak and my tank wiped. Since then I added slowly and haven't had an issue and in fact my stuff is thriving. Refugium is a must glad your doing that. For your 1 gallon look up reef bar on eBay. They are cheap and he can do any length.
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