princess parrot fish


Found this fish in my local store. I cant find much info on it. Any personal experiences with it? Nice fish, all I can find so far is that it will eat hard corals but not soft. I cant find anything about if it eats inverts.
Some what safe with softies but a no go with stony corals.. as far as the inverts, they are suppose to be ok with them..
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Princess Parrotfish grow to like 14 inches and will need a tank of atleast 150gls. Will ignore inverts most of the time.
From what i know about parrot fish, i was under the impression that they need to feed on stony's to survive. That's why you dont see too many in reef keepers tanks. They have the buck teeth in the front, to chip away at the corals. When i scuba dive you actually can hear them chomping on the coral. I dont think there is a substitute for the coral for them to eat, except
for the real thing.
From what i know about parrot fish, i was under the impression that they need to feed on stony's to survive. That's why you dont see too many in reef keepers tanks. They have the buck teeth in the front, to chip away at the corals. When i scuba dive you actually can hear them chomping on the coral. I dont think there is a substitute for the coral for them to eat, except
for the real thing.

+1 on the crunching sound while they mow down on SPS in the reef. I've heard it diving on's amazingly loud. :) They also eat A LOT of it.
Here's a pic I got of a Parrotfish's chompers. Sadly the fish was ice. Also, it's one of the keystone species for coral reef communities, probably not the most ethical fish to keep, IMO.
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