(Reasonably) Successful Move?


Good morning everybody.

I recently relocated my livestock, and in doing so upgraded their tank a little bit. They went from a 36 bowfront to a 40 gallon breeder.

The move went pretty smoothly, but after thefact I have a couple problems.

The first one is that my jawfish is AWOL. I cannot find him anywhere, nor his tell-tale piles of substrate. I presume him dead, and probably buried, underneath one of the larger pieces of LR in my tank. First question - is it better to pull all the pieces of rock out of my tank to remove him and disturb all the other occupants? Or leave him in there and let the clean up crew dispose of him?

The second one is that one of my fish, a percula clown, is acting pretty hurt up. He has those little white spots on him, though they are few in number - he is listless and hanging out, by himself, in the corner of the tank. No other animal in the tank will let him near them. Is he overstressed, diseased, or both? I realize he went through a stressful time.

Right now my trates are a little higher than usual (20ppm) but everything else is at zero. I performed a 25% water change yesterday and intend to do the same today.

So, do i fish out the jawfish (pun intended) or leave him, and what do i do for my poor little clown?

Please take a few seconds of your time and assist, I'd be highly appreciative.

I wouldn't write off the Jawfish yet, but if it didn't make it, :( i myself would not rip the tank apart looking for a small fish like that, the tank will take care of that for you. As for the Clown, sounds like it is very stressed and has Ick from the stress... if it is still eating you can try mixing some garlic xtreme in your food and feeding him (her)?. it works wonders for my fish, also i would maybe give it a day without the lights on (chilling time). Good luck, i hope both your guys (gals) are ok...

Hey Shawn thanks for the quick reply I really appreciate it....where's the best place to get this garlic extreme?

also, FWIW the jawfish was a bali tiger and was like 3 inches long, not a tiny fella...but i think the crabs and stuff'll take care of it

are you a dues paying member? Im thinking of joining but my social phobia is kicking in, but im obsessed w/ this hobby right now and i think it would be fun
Most good fish stores carry it ... and yes i am a dues paying member, the dues helps to keep the club a float :)
Hey Shawn thanks for the quick reply I really appreciate it....where's the best place to get this garlic extreme?

also, FWIW the jawfish was a bali tiger and was like 3 inches long, not a tiny fella...but i think the crabs and stuff'll take care of it

are you a dues paying member? Im thinking of joining but my social phobia is kicking in, but im obsessed w/ this hobby right now and i think it would be fun

This board is only as social as you want it to be.....from just posting, right up to going to meetings and drinking beers very late at night at other members' houses :D

If the sceen name is green, the member is a paid member.....
I agree with the garlic as it can also intice a stressed or sick fish to eat as well, but also make sure you feed a varied diet to help with natural ick defenses.
This board is only as social as you want it to be.....from just posting, right up to going to meetings and drinking beers very late at night at other members' houses :D

If the sceen name is green, the member is a paid member.....
JayM what's the timeframe from payment to greenage of the name?
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Ben Johnson
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