Cloudy Water


BRS Member
Every so often I get gross green cloudy water in my display from the chaeto. Anyone have tips on clearing this up quickly or possibly a permanent fix other than getting rid of the chaeto ?
I run a pretty big refugium packed w chetto,I harvest about 3 gallons twice a month and my water still gets cloudy if I'm not on top of my carbon
Right now I'm running Red Sea carbon ive run aquaforest and brs rox, haven't seen much difference. I run my light 9 pm to 9 am. My ph jumps from 8.3 ish to 8.6ish so I've been slowly turning my light down. Also I used to dose small amounts of iron.
I just set up a carbon reactor yesterday in the sump so fingers crossed it clears my water because for some reason right now it's green! Literally green!
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