Too much flow???


How do i know if the flow in my tank is too great?

Just added a fish and he seems to be struggling with the current. I dont know if struggling is also the appropriate term to be using. But hes always trying to fight the current and he goes to the top corner behind my return where there is no current so he can rest.

Normal ? I just dont want him to always be tired and fighting to swim

once again....12g nano, crabs, shrimps, LF, LS corals, snails, yasha, clown goby. Switched the stock 106 gph to a 230gph. maybe its soo strong now????
I think theres a mathematical equation to water flow. can someone chime in here please. my 55 gallon has two koralia 2's which are 600GPH and they're facing directly at each other. I know theres an equation out there but i'm a fan of facing powerheads directly at each other.
I honestly dont know but i'm sure someone here can help. :). i'd assume many factors involve. like what you plan to keep in the tank.
im keeping everything in my tank at the moment, everything besides hard corals and anemonies

but you know anyone can answer this delema here

pa pa please
I dont think there is any set equation for water flow though there are certain species that require more than others. You might want to try to adjust the direction of flow so that there are some areas that are less powerfull than others.

Are you using a power head or is this a return from a sump?
if it is a return you could try to split it and have 2 or more less powerful "jets" of water
I dont think there is any set equation for water flow though there are certain species that require more than others. You might want to try to adjust the direction of flow so that there are some areas that are less powerfull than others.

Are you using a power head or is this a return from a sump?
if it is a return you could try to split it and have 2 or more less powerful "jets" of water

its just the return from the pump in the rear chamber.

Im actually installing the Y loc'line a bought a while ago. He should be able to swim around more easily now....I heope at least
You could also add a T onto the return pump and bleed the line back into the sump, adds a bit more circulation down there, as well as eases up the load on your fish.

As for a "formula", the common rule, or at least what I was taught by my boss was you want the tank to turn over about 5-10 times per hour. You calculate this by taking the flow rate of your return pump and dividing it by the total volume of water in your setup.
(for example: my setup is a 15 gal with a 10 gal sump. We'll say total volume is 20 gal because my sump isn't filled to the top. The flow rate of my return pump is 250gph. Taking head into consideration, it runs at about 170gph. 170gph / 20 gallons = 8.5 times / hour)

Hope this helps.
thank you guys.I put the Yon it and now it barelymoves anything around. The heads of my corals dont even really move anymore.hmmmmmmmmm

not sure what I like better a nice current in my tank that the corals love or a motionless tank with a clown goby thats sits ontop of the hammer heads now
IMO: I would reinstall the stock pump (or get one around the same flow rate) and install a small powerhead opposite. It will keep things moving enough for your corals to move freely, but not too crazy so your fish can swim.
remember its only a 12g nano

if i put another powerhead int eh tank it will take up a lot of room that I already dont have.

i need to do somehtin because im un happy with the tank

Might I suggest a small submersible pump like a Rio 180. VERY small. I have one laying around, I could drop it off at your place tomorrow. I'll be in Boston all day (and my girlfriend lives on Comm Ave.)
I would put the Y lock line in. In my 12 gallon I have a Koralia 1 (400 gph) and a powerhead 301 (174 gph) plus what ever my HOB skimmer puts out. Its all about how the flow is directed in the tank. You could also try aiming the flow at one of the tank walls.
I would put the Y lock line in. In my 12 gallon I have a Koralia 1 (400 gph) and a powerhead 301 (174 gph) plus what ever my HOB skimmer puts out. Its all about how the flow is directed in the tank. You could also try aiming the flow at one of the tank walls.

I still have teh Y in my tank right now. If I am it at a wall it travels down the glass and blows the sand everywhere which makes a mess of things. How do things not blow all over the palce in yours with that high flow rate?
It blew around at first but after a bit of possitioning i got it under control. I have the Koralia on the left pointing to the front/right, then the powerhead 301 on the right blowing to the back/left making a circle motion. I have a 12 gallon Eclipse tank so the dimensions are a bit wacky.
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It blew around at first but after a bit of possitioning i got it under control. I have the Koralia on the left pointing to the front/right, then the powerhead 301 on the right blowing to the back/left making a circle motion. I have a 12 gallon Eclipse tank so the dimensions are a bit wacky.

Do you have any fish? Can they swim in that beast of a current you have? lol

My Y is branched off is facing up to move the water and other is against the glass to hopefully travel around the tank

Maybe if I take 1-2 kickles off the end of the Y it will be stronger.
Do you have any fish? Can they swim in that beast of a current you have? lol

My Y is branched off is facing up to move the water and other is against the glass to hopefully travel around the tank

Maybe if I take 1-2 kickles off the end of the Y it will be stronger.

Yeah I have one clownfish one 4 stripe damsel and a yellow watchman w/ pistoll shrimp and they don't struggle. The Koralia's flow the water around vs. a regular ph that pushes a stream of water.

Taking a few pieces off the Y would probably make the flow stronger. Or add a Koralia nano or something the dont take up much room.
Yeah I have one clownfish one 4 stripe damsel and a yellow watchman w/ pistoll shrimp and they don't struggle. The Koralia's flow the water around vs. a regular ph that pushes a stream of water.

Taking a few pieces off the Y would probably make the flow stronger. Or add a Koralia nano or something the dont take up much room.

OK...everyone keeps talking about these Koralia.... what does it do. Is this the one that produces like a circular motion of the water...meaning it pushes water out at 360 degree?
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