A Tale of Two Tangs


Ok, so I've had a purple Tang for quite some time.

Last night, over at GT's I got a yellow Tang.

They're about the same size, both pretty healthy.

Anything I can do to help them get along better, while they figure out the pecking order?

I was told they'd be ok together, as they're different colours and about the same size?
Scuba_Dave said:
How big is your tank?
My Yellow did not get along with my Sailfin & ended up in the 75g in the basement

It's a 90g.

I have plans for a 72g shortly that will be FOWLR.

The Purple's the incumbent and pushing things.
IMO a 90 is a little short in length for both of those tangs to play nice. They might eventually though. I have a powderblue and hippo in my 125 and they fought a little (never cause fin damage or anything like that), and after a week or two they seemed fine. They've been good since.
purples are rather aggressive towards newcomers, and both tangs have a similar shape. i would definitely watch for damage, and if it doesn't settle in a day or two i would remove one.
I am keeping an eye on them. Yellow went in last night around midnight.

They both ate very well today.

So far, no damage, alot of the purple using it's tail to push the yellow around.

We shall see.
Hmm, I'd be real hesitant about putting another Zebrasoma in a tank after the purple has been there a while.
I think you'll be very lucky if they get along.
Worst case, one goes into the sump until I have the 72 up and going.

Can anyone confirm multiple different color Tangs? Everything I've read says they will get along?
i think you main problem is that they are the same shape/family. everything i have read says that you can try different tangs as long as they are shaped differently. like moe said, they are both from the zebrasoma family, which is bad, and purples are not friendly to any fished added after them, which is bad also. i would just keep an eye on them. that is about all you can do. and watch out for damage from their scapels, those things can do some serious damage.
I have a sailfin = 6" & a hippo = 3-4" in a 6' 125g
The yellow (already in tank) did not get along with the sailfin
When I upgrade to the 180g I will try to re-introduce the Yellow
He is a very good algae eater
I have had purple tangs twice, and each time I had to return them. They are extremely aggressive, and they were the only tang in the tank at the time.
Well, I tried to get the yellow out to move to my sump.

No dice right now. They will either have to get along, or I have to rip the entire tank apart. Too many hiding spots and snags.
grendel said:
Worst case, one goes into the sump until I have the 72 up and going.

Can anyone confirm multiple different color Tangs? Everything I've read says they will get along?
It's not the color it's the shape you don't want to put the same shape tangs together in such a small tank. Try putting a mirror or two against the glass on the outside of the tank and hang some pieces of clear plexi glass in the tank. All this will confuse them for a while.
I've had both in my 90gal....they got along after a short acclimation(couple of weeks). I had the yellow first tho and added the purple after. The yellow is now in my brothers tank(out grew the tank). I'd feed well and keep an eye out.....can try the mirror trick to distract the purple....good luck!
The yellow's now in my sump.

I couldn't watch him get beat up.

It didn't look too bad, but still now my thing.

He'll be in my sump until I can put him in the 72 I am adopting.
Both at once is the way to go. If you can get the purple out a house him somewhere for a couple days. Then acclimate the two of them together they may just get along.

I have a Yellow and a Hippo.
Ray039 said:
Both at once is the way to go. If you can get the purple out a house him somewhere for a couple days. Then acclimate the two of them together they may just get along.

I have a Yellow and a Hippo.

I could probably catch him, but how much memory does a fish actually have?

I have two places I could keep a fish right now. The Sump and the Display.

The Yellow's in the sump... if I reversed them, do you think it would work so I could combine them in the display after a few days?
Not sure if it would help, but what about re-aquascaping the rock so you are destroying any territorial boundaries and starting from scratch.
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